
We manage your text and banner (graphic) ads on websites published by SEDEI and in the partner network in the region, language and target user you specify.

1.000 Visualizzazioni al mese (0.05 CPV)
500 click utente (0.10 CPC)

Category: Tags: , ,

We manage your text and banner (graphic) ads on websites published by SEDEI and in the partner network in the region, language and target user you specify.

  • 1.000 Visualizzazioni al mese (0.05 CPV)
  • 500 click utente (0.10 CPC)

SEDEI network (Ads by WADV)
SEDEI partner network (Ads by WADV)
Google and Doubleclick network (Google Ads)
Meta network (Facebook and Instagram Ads)


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